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Castaways rescued from Pacific island after making ‘HELP’ sign with palm leaves

Three fisherman who were stranded on a small Pacific island for more than a week were rescued after making a “HELP” sign with palm leaves on the beach. The men, experienced sailors in their 40s, set out from the Micronesian island of Polowat in a 20-foot skiff on Easter Sunday.
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‘Every day, we’re dying.’ In Ukraine, defeat was unthinkable. Has that changed?

KYIV, Ukraine — Could Ukraine lose this war? For more than two years, as this country of 44 million people has fought off an all-out invasion by neighboring Russia, a spirit of stubborn optimism prevailed even amid the most frightening moments. Any notion of defeat was unthinkable, an almost taboo topic.

Burbank First Baptist Church News

The 136th Psalm contains so many reasons why people should give thanks to the Lord. All 26 verses end with the phrase “for his mercy endureth forever.” Verse 1 starts with thanking the Lord for He is good. Verse 26 ends with a giving of thanks to the God of heaven. In between, the Psalms recounts all the reasons God’s people should give continual thanks. Burbank First Baptist has experienced the Lord’s presence many times in its storied past. The growth of the congregation has ebbed and flowed but continues through the efforts of the faithful. It truly is amazing how God is faithful to send families looking for a church home. Being an older traditional church fits the mold for some people. That setting may not be what some are looking for. I always suggest to people that they come see if they feel like it is where the Lord wants them to be. Over the years, many people experienced contentment and attended for a while. We always rejoice when people find peace by accepting Jesus Christ as the personal Lord and Savior. This happened last Sunday when a young man made a life changing commitment to seek forgiveness for sin in his life. He acknowledged that salvation of his soul was only going to come when he made his decision public in the worship service. Our prayer is that our fellowship will continue to support this young man as he grows his faith every day. I am confident that there will be additional commitments from others who are seeking the same for their life. Yes, we too can say “Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever.” Our prayer is for other churches to experience God’s wonderful mercy and grace through spiritual growth.