
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have been married to my husband for over 50 years. While we are physically unable to have sexual relations due to several health factors, I’m not missing it. Why? Because he has terrible hygiene practices and the biggest is not brushing his teeth enough. He has horrible halitosis now.

National Zoo: Under MAGA’s Gavel, There’s Debasement in The House

Congress has never enjoyed stratospheric esteem among Americans, who long ago came to understand that their elected representatives include a fair share of lightweights, airheads and demagogues. “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress,” Mark Twain postulated. “But I repeat myself.” “You can lead a man to Congress,” observed the late philosopher Milton Berle, “but you can’t make him think.” In the musical “1776,” John Adams decried his hapless fellow members of the Continental Congress thusly: “We piddle, twiddle and resolve; not one damned thing do we solve.”

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My mom and I have always had a weird relationship. Throughout my childhood, I always considered us close, even when she moved hours away to the other side of the state when I was in middle school. We would talk regularly, and I would go see her for summer and winter breaks. When I graduated high school, I happily made the move to live with her.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: Recently, I had a major social misstep that has essentially pushed one of my best friends out of my life. During the week of my birthday, I had a mid-30s crisis; a string of bad memories from dating and bad luck with women hit me and put me in a very emotionally weakened state of mind. In front of this friend, I was reduced to what felt like a whimpering fool, complaining about my bad luck with dating and women. Two days later, I was back to my normal self and saw her at my birthday dinner with friends.

Social Security and You

Yes, Rich People Should Get Social Security I get lots of emails from readers expressing sentiments similar to what these guys recently sent me: “Why should rich people get Social Security? I think it’s just morally wrong that wealthy people should be able to collect a Social Security check!” Here is another example: “Why all the fuss about Social Security going broke? We could save the system forever if we just take rich people off the program!” I always respond to these people by making the following points. Social Security isn’t now, and never has been, a welfare program.