
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have let myself get involved with a significantly younger guy. To make matters worse, I’m married. In my defense, before I even started talking to this other guy, my husband and I had come to a place in our marriage where we were more like roommates than husband and wife. We didn’t even share the same bedroom (which was his decision). He never showed me affection of any kind. We spoke to each other, but that was it.

Did Legalized Abortion Lead to Lower Crime Rates?

Growing restrictions on the right to an abortion have revived talk of what many still regard as a highly controversial theory. It holds that the legalization of abortion in 1973 reduced the number of unwanted children, who might have been at higher risk of committing serious crimes. And that explained the sharp drop in the crime rate that started in the early 1990s.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I’m a mom and have been married for nearly six years. But for the past few years, my husband and I have not been on the same path. We can’t communicate without fighting, bickering, arguing, etc. Our sex life has been nonexistent. And I have tried talking and suggesting that we do more things together. I have even tried losing weight because I thought maybe the problem was that I was no longer attractive. I tried everything that I could think of. And some days, I just lay in a different room, balled up and crying.

A Law That Is Unchangeable

Does it matter how long theft has been prohibited? What about murder? Do laws prohibiting these acts deserve less respect because they have stood for so long? Of course not. So, why did President Joe Biden -- in promoting his view that killing an unborn child should be legal -- insist on pointing out that an Arizona law that prohibits abortion was “first enacted” 160 years ago? Biden was responding to an Arizona Supreme Court decision, which held that Arizona’s abortion law would be enforceable now that the Supreme Court has overruled Roe v.

Social Security and You

Foreign-Born Parents Not Mooching Off the Social Security System Q: I am sick and tired of all these people who bring their parents over here from foreign countries and then immediately put them on their Social Security account. No wonder Social Security is going broke! I personally know two couples in my neighborhood who get Social Security. They brought their parents up from Mexico and now they are mooching monthly checks off of the Social Security system and bankrupting it. You can’t tell me this isn’t an outrage!