
Letter to the Editor

I enjoy reading the Ponca News editorial Page daily. The writer Froma Harop is great at making up her own facts. If she would stick to actual facts she might come up with different conclusions. But when she starts out with her result and then tries to build her warped facts around it. Her conclusions will always be incorrect. She sounds like the Schumer Lankford border bill she’s read from beginning to end! Ms Harop must have great connections because no one else has this granular clarity of the bill. But she is right about one thing and that is that House majority’s leader says this bill is dead on arrival when it arrives In the House. That is excellent.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I just read the letter from “Anonymous” concerning his alcoholic wife and his inability to help her. This hit home for me 100%. Ten years ago, I divorced my alcoholic husband after 25 years of marriage (28 years together) due to his alcoholism.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My daughter shared your column with me this morning. The letter from the “Anonymous” husband of an alcoholic touched my daughter deeply, and it made me cry pretty hard. My daughter drank near-lethal quantities of alcohol every day for years. Three or four trips to rehab, AA, DUIs, etc. She is now one year sober and lives with me. She says that the following two things have saved her life: -- The love of her family. -- The PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) that included medication-assisted treatment and daily (virtual) psychiatrist visits.

State boards and commissions should be filled with Oklahoma residents, not out-of-staters

Ryan Walters’ policies aimed at reforming public schools have raised eyebrows in recent months, but at least he’s made sure Oklahomans have seats at the table. But now, he’s decided to appoint an out-of-state conservative who runs a far-right social media account to an Oklahoma panel that reviews school library content.

Letter to the Editor

Re: “Oklahoma Senate won’t cut taxes I read in PC News that Senate Pro-Tem Greg Treat refuses to cut taxes for beleagured Oklahoma citizens being hit by inflation on all fronts, especially food prices, utilities, gas, insurance, property taxes, and nearly 10% sales tax, etc. I wonder if Senator Treat and his cohorts are too busy during regular sessions passing favorable legilsation for their fat cat donors? I might remind them that we the tax payers supply the money you use to pedal your influence.