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Lawmaker proposes end-of-year deadline for Oklahoma online voter registration

After another general election cycle came and went without the state’s long-awaited online voter registration system, one lawmaker hopes to set a firm deadline. Senate Bill 90 by Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City, would require the State Election Board to accept voter registration applications online no later than Dec.
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School Board leaders recognized in January

Dedicated to public education, school board members across the state are committed to providing every opportunity possible to students in their community. January is School Board Recognition Month, providing local schools and communities the chance to honor Oklahoma’s more than 2,700 elected school board members for their dedication and service.
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Add a Healthy Habit

Welcome to 2023. Like millions of others, you may be embarking on a resolution for the New Year, perhaps with a goal of better health, finances or relationships. Good luck -- it won’t be easy. As Maria Konnikova wrote in 2013 in the New Yorker magazine, academic studies confirm that New Year’s resolutions are hard to maintain, with many of us likely to fall short in the months ahead.
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Capitol Considerations

Our state’s economy has outpaced many others around the nation in recent years, setting historic records for gross receipts and General Revenue Fund (GRF) collections. While gross receipts include all revenues remitted to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, our focus is on the GRF collections as these are what are available for appropriation by the Legislature after rebates, refunds, mandatory apportionments, and the various taxes are remitted back to the municipalities. Total GRF collections for the first five months of the current fiscal year were $3.5 billion, nearly $500 million or 17% above FY’22 collections.