
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have three children, a son and two daughters. My son resides in the same city as I do. I am a widow. We have always been a close family. However, my youngest daughter is not coming to visit as she once did. She is divorced; her former husband had an affair. She is seeing someone and spends most of her free time with him. She has four children and is a grandmother. My grandchildren are grown, but they have not come to see me in three years. I have helped my daughter financially, paid for children’s clothes, school activities and many other things. I recently paid for a root canal for her.

Which Does Blinken Believe Is More Evil -- Genocide or Spy Balloon?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken -- who was planning to leave last Friday on a trip to the People’s Republic of China -- gave an address last Monday at the International Religious Freedom Summit where he happened to mention that the Chinese leaders he was preparing to visit were at that moment engaging in genocide.

The Trial Balloon Fiasco

A sidewinder missile fired from a U.S. Air Force F-22 fighter brings down a 200-foot-diameter balloon off the coast of South Carolina. U.S. Navy and Coast Guard aircraft and vessels are dispatched to search for and recover debris in the storm-tossed Atlantic Ocean. In Beijing, spokesmen for the People’s Republic of China insist the “airship,” which coasted over U.S. territory for more than a week, was nothing but a harmless weather balloon, inadvertently blown over the United States by unanticipated wind currents. In Washington, comments by government officials -- most of them nameless -- range from “don’t worry, this happens all the time” to “this is a major, perhaps existential threat to the American people.” At the White House, the seriously compromised president of the U.S. searches for ways to blame his predecessor for an unprecedented breach of U.S. airspace and the ensuing media circus.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: A longtime friend of mine, “Emily,” was served divorce papers right after the holidays by her husband, “Matt,” after a fairly short and seemingly rocky marriage. I don’t think this came as much of a surprise to her, but I know that she is still taking it very hard, especially considering the time of year this all fell apart. She seems embarrassed by the situation and stressed about having to find a lawyer and go to court.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My sister, “Claire,” is getting married this summer and has lost weight by getting injections of drugs for diabetes. Claire might have had a little padding, but I never thought of her as being fat. And Claire is not the only person I know who is taking these drugs for weight loss. I know several others, and they all seem to be very happy with the results. The two brands that I keep hearing about are Ozempic and Wegovy.