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PGS: OK Divorce Meets the Titanic

Before statehood, Oklahoma was a place to start over, find unlimited opportunity, obtain free land and ---get a speedy divorce! How it became that way, with a focus on one famous case, is the topic of Pioneer Genealogical Society’s Christmas party program, Monday, December 4, 6 pm at the Pioneer Woman Museum. (Note the difference in time and place.) New museum director Jennifer Lynch will be presenting. There will be holiday food and fun, and the public is invited.

Police Blotter

Nov. 22, 2023 Disturbance - At 3:22 am, the reporting party requested an officer in reference to subjects banging on his door in the area of 311 S. Elm. Subjects took off running southbound. Unknown descriptions, possibly juveniles.
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Kids learn kitchen skills through Tiny Chefs program

Monday, Nov. 20 was the first day of Thanksgiving Break for schools across Kay County. That morning was cool, cloudy and wet, but it didn’t keep several families in Ponca City from meeting at the New Emergency Resources Agency (NERA) for a special session in cooking and baking, teaching them new kitchen concepts they can share with their families, and many more concepts along the way.