March 2023

Social Security and You

Social Security Rumors Don’t Pass the “Look, Sound and Quack Test!” I’m sure you’ve heard that old saying that goes something like this: “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- it’s a duck!” Well, I offer you another version of that old chestnut. And it goes like this: “If it looks like a crazy Social Security rumor, sounds like a crazy Social Security rumor and quacks like a crazy Social Security rumor -- it’s a crazy Social Security rumor!” Almost every day, people send me emails in which they regurgitate some wacky rumor or myth they’ve heard or read about Social Security.

Dear Annie

DearAnnie: I have a 40-yearold child who is transitioning from male to female. I was told of this decision by email. We haven’t had much in-person discussion about this, but each time I post a picture or a memory, I feel I’m being scolded by them saying, “That’s not who I am anymore,” as if anything we did together or any memory I have doesn’t exist.

Everyday Cheapskate

Which Is Better: Fresh or Frozen? Frozen fruits and vegetables take a lot of heat because most people assume that, if it’s frozen, it must be of a lesser quality and nutritional value than the same items fresh in the produce department. Is it true? Is fresh really better than frozen? And if so, is the difference great enough to spend more money to make sure we’re always eating fresh fruits and vegetables? According to nutritionist Cynthia Sass, frozen foods get a bad rap for being processed junk, but the truth is, some of the healthiest foods in the market are in the freezer section.