
Social Security and You

© 2023 Creators Syndicate Tips on Filing for Social Security Benefits There probably is nothing I’m asked more often than some version of this question: “When should I take my Social Security?” So today, I’m going to write yet another column about that topic and the related issue of how to file for Social Security benefits. But first, let me clarify the “when to file” part.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I always enjoy sharing my baked goods and also my soups with my neighbors. Some will return the favor by making items for me. I never expect them to reciprocate, though I know I always try to reciprocate when people do things for me.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My husband and I grew up in large extended families, and we are delighted that our son’s daughter gets to do that too, on her mother’s side. That we don’t see her much on the holidays isn’t important. What’s important is that she is surrounded by a loving family of many aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins. When “Soon-To-Be-Grandma’s” grandchild is born, there will be lots of opportunities to help out. You were spot on to tell her that the question isn’t how can her son pay more attention to her, but how can she be helpful to her son. I wish her all joy during the times she is with her son and her future grandchild and hope she doesn’t have resentment during the times she is not with them. -- Grandma Already Dear Grandma: You are very kind to wish her all the joy that she will experience as a grandmother.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I am in my mid-30s and have never married or been engaged. I’m feeling frustrated, hopeless and depressed most of the time because of this. Is there really hope? -- Depressed Help-Seeker Dear Help-Seeker: Of course there’s hope. I imagine it can be difficult to see your friends and loved ones hit life milestones you feel quite far away from achieving yourself. Remember, there is no exact timeline for when you should be in a serious romantic relationship.