United Community Action Program releases 2022 Annual Update

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United Community Action Program releases 2022 Annual Update

Tue, 04/25/2023 - 04:53
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United Community Action Program, Inc. continues federal and state programs that support North Central Oklahoma. According to Executive Director Johnny Bryant, United CAP is honored to be involved in the five-county area including Creek, Kay, Osage, Noble and Pawnee counties. “With continued effort and in coordination with our communities and partners, vulnerable individuals and families have a chance at a brighter economic tomorrow.” Highlights of program activities for 2022 are shared below: TheEarlyHeadStartProgram served 45 pregnant women and 417 children, newborn to 36 months. Enrollment is open year-round. The Head Start Program served 653 three and four-year-old children. During the year, 95% of enrolled children received medical services and 12.4% of four year-old children received disability services.

The Housing Program provided safer, more stable and affordable housing to enable families to better manage their daily lives. Two rentals located in Perkins were renovated. One of the rehabilitations will be available to support low income disabled and/or veterans. Single-family rentals are located in Billings, Blackwell, Fairfax, Newkirk, Pawnee, Perkins, Perry and Tonkawa. A total of 370 multi-family and senior housing units are available in Sapulpa, Ponca City, Sand Springs, Glenpool and Pawnee.

Sixty-six DHS-licensed home child care providers were reimbursed for serving nutritious meals, which met U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements. The Federally-funded Child Care Food Program sponsored 192,583 meals to an average 438 children, playing a vital role in improving the children’s health as well as the quality of their care. The program makes child care more affordable for low-income families.

Cimarron Public Transit System replaced two ADA vehicles during 2022. Drivers operated 84,144 hours traveling more than 1 million miles to provide 94,120 shared-ride trips, allowing mobility and access to local citizens. Forty- eight percent of trips were provided to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The program continued evening and Saturday service, “PICK”, an on demand service, using the Uber technology.

CARES Act projects included assisting 81 households with mortgage/rental or utility assistance to combat homelessness. Equipment and food items were provided to various food pantries, ensuring proper nutrition throughout the fivecounty area. Personal protection equipment was purchased and distributed. Additionally, local schools received funding to aid in fighting the spread of COVID.

Family and Community Services provided emergency food assistance, emergency prescription assistance, assistance purchasing fuel, utility assistance, emergency rent or mortgage assistance, information and referrals, and 140 individuals received income tax preparation services. Partnerships with local food banks assisted families with the distribution of 20,777 bags of food. Local collaborations assisted 4,716 individuals with 14,148 units of clothing. Outreach services are available at 501 Sixth Street, in Pawnee, at Associated Charities, 212 E. Bridge Avenue, in Blackwell, and Operation Blessing, 803 Market Street, in Perry.

Through the CASA Program, 17 advocates served abused and neglected children in Pawnee and Osage counties. Volunteers donated 1,010 hours advocating for children. During 2022, 4 children were adopted, 15 children were reunited with family, and 3 children were appointed a guardian.

Other outcomes completed during 2022: · The WorkRide Program removed a barrier and provided a supportive community service to low-income individuals by providing 15,511 reduced fare rides to work or education.

· Public transit provided 16,185 free trips to 372 older Americans, which allowed these seniors to remain at home and live independently.

· More than 2,132 Medicaid recipients received 28,297 trips to medical appointments at no cost. The program improved health outcomes for low-income individuals and families by providing dependable access to preventive health care services as well as treatment for chronic and other health and wellness services.

· Public transit assisted 19 low-income, single-parent families by providing access to education, training and employment to enhance their ability to support their families and be more self-sufficient.

In 2022, community partners included other nonprofits, faith-based agencies, municipalities, state departments, for-profit businesses, consortiums/collaborations, school districts, tribes, housing collaborations, state-wide associations, post-secondary education and health service institutions.

The non-profit agency is governed by a 12-member board of directors representing Creek, Kay, Noble, Osage, Pawnee and Payne counties. A pdf file of the annual report is available on the agency website at www.ucapinc.org. General program information is available on the website or call 918762-3041 for further assistance. The agency provides a drug free workplace and is an equal opportunity employer.