“ Poetic Reflections”

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“ Poetic Reflections”

Sat, 09/03/2022 - 14:15
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Our Topsy-Turvy World

We all live together in a topsy-turvy world, if for a minute you will stop to consider, We’re all on a terrestrial ball hanging in space, though some may choose to differ.

We’re one of many billions upon billions of spheres spinning in a spacious dark void, Hoping another spinning ball doesn’t collide with us, or we’re hit by a falling asteroid.

The sun is hung in space, and we revolve on an arching path, true for 4.5 billion years, At the same time, we’re revolving, we’re also rotating, but that’s not how it appears. We say the sun comes up in the east every morning, but that’s not how it works at all, As we rotate counterclockwise in space, the east receives first light on our rotating ball.

Similarly, we say the sun goes down in the west, but again that’s not how it works, To consider the factual reality of our celestial existence, sometimes my brain hurts.

The earth spins around one time in twentyfour hours, and that constitutes a day, Circumference of earth at the equator is nearly 25,000 miles around, scientists say.

Traveling that distance in 24 hours, we’re spinning at more than 1,000 miles per hour, Think of the force required to move such a huge object, think of the massive power. When considering such issues, some have an easy answer, they simply say it’s gravity, But there are so many unbelievable things to consider, I think it’s more like insanity.

So, we’re on a round ball hanging in space and to consider a globe for a while, Oklahoma is on the side of the ball, to think about our reality might make you smile. So, we’re sticking out from the side as we walk around in life, not at all distressed, But there’s more weirdness to consider, and I think we all should be impressed. To fly from Oklahoma to Sidney, Australia is a phenomenon that can’t be denied, The plane is racing sideways down the runway, and when airborne it’s still on its side.

Then as it turns south toward Australia, it’s actually flying upside down for the trip, Then when it lands at its destination, the plane is upside down on the landing strip. The passengers get off and live their lives upside down, it makes you really wonder, It’s our unbelievable world, and why we refer to Australia as “The Land Down Under”.

Regardless of where you are on the globe, it always seems like you are on the top, We really do live in a topsy-turvy world, and the strange fascinations never stop.