Chamber holds public speaking lunch and learn

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Chamber holds public speaking lunch and learn

Thu, 04/13/2023 - 14:07
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The Ponca City Chamber of Commerce held a Chamber Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, April 11 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at the Pioneer Technology Center (PTC) Conference Center C. The lunch and learn featured a presentation on public speaking with Mayor Homer Nicholson.

Mayor Nicholson’s premise for the presentation was based on an accumulated series of notes and observations while attending various conferences, presentations, lectures, classes, and seminars. He complied a list of recurring errors, habits, and problems during these various events and made a list of dos and don’ts on public speaking.

The Mayor began his presentation by defining “glossophobia”, which is a strong fear of public speaking. Surveys even indicate that roughly 75% of the population have a fear of public speaking, and is one of the most common phobias.

Nonetheless, the Mayor shared that with preparation, practice and persistence, it is possible to overcome this fear. For this reason, practicing in front of a mirror helps to not only become more comfortable with your presentation, but also to recognize any tics or gesticulations you may otherwise not notice.

The Mayor then spoke to the assembled crowd on Tuesday about several notable missteps made by both speakers and hosts for various events.

Some of those missteps include reversing the position of flags, speakers turning their backs to the audience, the orientation of the room, speakers not holding their microphones to their faces, making the temperature in the room too hot or cold, speakers not enunciating their words, IT/AV failures, acoustics, speakers not waiting for applause to die down before speaking again, feedback from more than one microphone, placing a podium in front of the screen for a presentation, difficult to read power points and many more.

The importance of controlling the room was also discussed. A public speaker shouldn’t apologize or say that “are not a good speaker” as this damages the speaker’s credibility with an audience. Additionally, the first 90 seconds of a speech is a crucial window of time where the speaker can set the tone for the rest of the presentation.

It is also essential that a speaker adjust their volume to compliment the size of the room, and that they speak from the diaphragm.

Mayor Nicholson felt this presentation would be vital to anyone that teaches, lectures, speaks or spends time in front of an audience. Additionally, it can assist anyone hosting a speaker to make sure that the presentation runs smoothly. Even something as simple as making sure microphones and remotes have new batteries, or ensuring that fresh ink markers and an eraser are available.