Family guide to new movie releases

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Family guide to new movie releases

Fri, 06/23/2023 - 13:51
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Rated R for sexual content, language, some graphic nudity and brief drug use.

What it’s about: A down-on-her-luck 30-something romances a nerdy teen boy in exchange for a Buick, and finds a find along the way.

The kid attractor factor: This raunchy comedy might appeal to teen audiences.

Good lessons/bad lessons: There’s so much to learn and experience getting out in the scary, possibly embarrassing world.

Violence: A fairly violent fight on a beach — in the nude. A perilous police chase, pepper spray, etc.

Language: Swearing throughout.

Sex: Frank references to sex, graphic nudity, a sex scene (not graphic).

Drugs: Teen drinking, onscreen marijuana use.

Parents’ advisory: This is a bit thematically mature for younger audiences (sex, drugs). OK for teens.

——— ‘ASTEROID CITY’ Rated PG-13 on appeal for brief graphic nudity, smoking and some suggestive material.

What it’s about: A group of people descend on a Southwestern desert town for Asteroid Day in September 1955 (or do they?).

The kid attractor factor: This Wes Anderson film is colorful and appealing visually, but existentially and philosophically dense. Probably not much appeal for kids.

Good lessons/bad lessons: There is wonder and magic all around us, and it’s OK to question everything.

Violence: A few guns, a standoff at gunpoint, atomic bomb testing, but no real violence.

Language: Nothing too extreme.

Sex: Very brief nudity, a suggestive moment or two.

Drugs: Smoking and drinking. Parents’ advisory: OK for teens and older kids if they are interested.