March 2024

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Capitol Conversations

Now that we’ve passed the halfway point in this legislative session, the Senate is once again busy with committee hearings. When bills crossed over to the opposite legislative chamber in mid-March, the Senate sent the House more than 275 bills. In return, the House sent us 424 pieces of legislation. I’ve signed on to be the Senate author of several House bills, and I’m focused on getting those measures passed through various committees.
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Tales from the Trails

A Place of Warmth Where do I go when the shrilling sharp winds of life slice through shield of faith that encompasses the spirit of life that is resident in my being? Watching the goats and sheep scurry around the pasture, I often see the recently birthed kids find a refuge from the cold ground, sharp bristles, hard rocks, and hurried feet of the others on the back of the largest sheep in the flock. It is there in its thick, deep wool that the kid finds nestled warmth.

Burbank First Baptist Church News

Where are you going to be this Easter Sunday? Hopefully, the answer includes a time for worship and praise for the resulting promise that comes when you celebrate the resurrection of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As previously mentioned in last week’s article, Burbank First has a sunrise service at 7 am. It is a time of remembering that Jesus is risen from the grave. Jesus is preparing a place for all who believe in Him. It is called Heaven and is a place to experience life everlasting. The Easter Sunday worship service that follows at 11 am is a continuing time of rejoicing in the future promise in that land where peace, joy, and love is perpetual. My mind wonders how many of our brothers and sisters in Christ that have passed in the many years of the Burbank First’s existence are now rejoicing in their decision to receive Christ as their risen Savior and Redeemer. This week, I have been privileged to gather each morning on Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 am with several of the faithful from the churches in the Shidler Ministerial Alliance in Webb City, Oklahoma. We share food that each place of worship provides. Then a devotion is brought to help us reflect on the true meaning of Easter. It isn’t a long meeting but ignites our hearts to remember all that Jesus endured during His week of passion. I am praying for those that read this article that they also are preparing themselves for a time of remembrance and reflection. I have been blessed with the comments of people who I have met that say they enjoy reading this small statement of reflection on the Lord’s work in Burbank. May the Lord inspire each of you to spend time in worship this Easter Sunday in your home churches.
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Cherokee Strip Credit Union declares special dividend

The 91st Annual Meeting of Cherokee Strip Credit Union was held on March 25, 2024 in the Pioneer Technology Center of Ponca City, Oklahoma. According to a 2023 Annual Report shared at the meeting and available on their website, the Credit Union recorded its 6th consecutive year of rising profits, with growth in assets, loans, share deposits, and membership.

Today’s Leaders Are Not Living Up to Constitutional Norms

How are America’s leaders measuring up against the standards set by the Constitution and the examples of the Founding Fathers? It’s a question I’ve been asking as I seek refuge from contemporary politics in reading and occasionally writing, in my 2023 book “Mental Maps of the Founders,” about the early years of the republic.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have eight beautiful grandchildren. I have been blessed to help care for six of them from birth to 5-6 years old. My daughter has twin 7-year-old boys. She has issues with me that I’ve apologized for and have given her space to work through things. I’ve never met my twin grandsons. I’ve only seen them in pictures and several times in public, but neither she nor her husband knew I was in the same store.