
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I’ve been friends with “Ashley” for nine years, and we have supported each other through many hard life events. We hit it off immediately and are very close. We were both single and living alone during the pandemic and became the major part of each other’s support system and human interaction during that time.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: After reading the letter from “Unable to Open Up,” the gentleman who was unable to articulate his thoughts to his therapist, I wonder if writing down his thoughts would help. Sometimes we can’t bring ourselves to speak up for fear of being chastised, laughed at or embarrassed. I always encouraged my daughters to write down anything that was bothering them just to get it out of their mind, and sometimes it didn’t look as bad once they got it out. He could take the paper(s) to his therapist or just tear them up and throw them away. Either way, I wish him well and much success as he tries to heal himself. -- Mom of Two Girls Dear Mom of Two Girls: writing things down is very powerful. Either through journaling and keeping y y our journey to yourself or writing a personalized letter to the person.

Letter to the Editor

Oklahoma’s Seniors Deserve Better Protection from Scam Calls “I’ve become increasingly aware of the detrimental impact that scam calls can have on the elderly, particularly my parents. Like many of their generation, my parents find comfort and security in using a landline.

Are Republicans Giving Up on Investors, Too?

They are losing the majority of Americans who support reasonable access to abortion. They are losing the vast majority who don’t believe we can wait until every mentally ill American is properly medicated before restricting sales of assault weapons. And now they may lose one of their more loyal groups, investors with significant portfolios. The signs are all there.