
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I am so sad for “Sad in Ohio,” the woman whose husband cheated on her. I too have a husband who cheated multiple times in our marriage. The last one was 12 years ago -- that I know of!

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: Here’s my situation. In my last year of college, I met the most beautiful and intelligent girl I’ve even known. We instantly hit it off and began dating. We have so much in common and share the same values and goals for life. Because we were attending college out of state, we didn’t meet each other’s parents until graduation. All six of us got along well.

‘Good Government’ Is a Two-Way Street

You’ve undoubtedly noticed how up-in-arms everyone becomes when the government is on the verge of shutting down. I’ve also noticed that the people who most loudly express their horror at the notion of a partial government closure seem totally comfortable with the fiscal wall we are barreling into. That wall is being built, brick by brick, by two political parties that are unwilling to end Washington’s spending debauchery.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My future sister- in-law is getting married, and I am a maid of honor. She already had a bridal party where I made food and helped out before and after the event. Now she is having her bachelorette party. Originally, she stated she just wanted a casual night out with the bridal party. It sounded like it would just be an evening event, so we decided on a Saturday that we would all be free. Now another bridesmaid decided it’s going to be more of an all-day affair.