Dear Annie

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Dear Annie

Fri, 06/16/2023 - 14:13
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Dear Annie: I’ve been friends with “Jessie” for several years, but lately, I’ve been feeling like the friendship is one-sided. I’m always the one reaching out, making plans and putting in the effort. Jessie has been responding to my texts with one-word answers, if at all.

I value our friendship a lot, but I’m starting to question whether she feels the same way. How can I address this issue without seeming needy? Should I confront her or let it go and just hope it changes back to what it was like before? Any guidance would be appreciated. -- Friendship on Uneven Ground Dear Uneven Ground: Friendships are not transactional. There are naturally times when one friend gives more than the other. Perhaps Jessie is going through a difficult season of life and simply doesn’t have the capacity to initiate contact.

Reach out to her; tell her that she has felt distant recently and that you miss her; and gently ask how she is doing.

If she brushes you off, and if the blatant imbalance in your relationship continues, then perhaps your friendship has run its course. Not everyone who comes into your life is meant to stay forever; that doesn’t mean you can’t treasure your friendship for what it was.

Dear Annie: My sister passed away last week at the young age of 63. She was cremated and had served in the military. We had a small military service for her, and at her service, there were a few bunches of flowers sent to the funeral home, only three to be exact. Two were sent to the funeral home from my nephew’s company that he works for, and one was sent from an aunt and uncle. After the services, my aunt and uncle asked if they could have their flowers back!

I was appalled and caught off guard. My question is, was it OK for them to ask for their flowers back?! I always thought when you sent flowers to a funeral home, it was supposed to be a gift to the family. I’m just lost for words. How should I address this? Or should I just let it go? I have never asked for flowers back from any funeral I have sent flowers to. -- Sincerely Appalled Dear Appalled: You’re not alone; I, too, am surprised by your aunt and uncle’s request. Sending flowers to loved ones who are grieving is a standard way to express sympathy and offer comfort after experiencing a loss. To ask for them back following the service seems insincere and, frankly, tacky.

While I can’t imagine a particularly good reason for them to ask this of you, I’d advise that the path of least resistance is your best way forward. I hope you took one of the other two flower arrangements home with you, as a token of your sister’s service instead. If she were still with us, I think she’d probably agree it’s not worth fighting over either.

I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you nothing but peace as you heal during this most difficult time.