Burbank First Baptist Church News

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Burbank First Baptist Church News

Sat, 03/04/2023 - 13:16
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As Spring approaches, prepare yourself for all the many changes in our environment. As the Sun moves North in our sky, the trees and all vegetation will grow and blossom into all their beauty. Longer periods of sunlight allows for more hours of labor to groom our lawns and removal of winters effects on past years growth. The weather will also change bringing us rain showers and storms. Let us prepare ourselves for God’s handiwork. Whether you like it or not, you must prepare yourself for these changes in your life.

As longer hours of daylight are in your future, please do not allow yourself to be so busy that you forget to spend time thanking the Lord for the blessings that the change of season brings to your life. Spend more time reflecting on the effects of God’s goodness to you. Look around and see the many problems the world is having because of a poor relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I am sure most people remember the struggles that they endured before finding Jesus as Lord and Savior. Reflect on that. See how you can use your experience to help others seek the Lord’s presence for their life. I recall these works from the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 55:6, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:” I always like to challenge people to spend time worshiping the Lord. Being around good Christian people will give you encouragement to grow closer to the Lord. Find a place to worship where you can grow spiritually. Find a place where people pray for each other. Find a place that proclaim that Jesus is Lord.

Serving because Jesus lives, Pastor Dennis Wildman