
Everyday Cheapskate

Take it Slow and Easy! That slow cooker you keep on reserve for the cold months of winter is a perfect solution for summer, too especially during these days when you just cannot look another takeout meal in the face. Think about it: A slow cooker creates very little heat and costs only pennies a day to operate.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I am a school secretary. Parents often call in with issues regarding their children. Some are very personal including health, family issues, abuse, neglect, behavior, etc. Many parents go into FULL detail as to what is happening. In these circumstances, I am not the person who can assist them. Instead, I refer them to a counselor, principal, nurse or teacher. I don’t blame them; they probably do not know where to start and they are struggling.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I read a letter in your column about inheritance issues, and I wanted to share my own story. My mother transferred a $930,000 house near the ocean to my single brother a few years ago in secret.

Biden Needs Haley’s Voters More Than Bernie’s

Barack Obama got it right. He refused to be held captive to his party’s left wing. He adopted a strenuous policy of border enforcement, even as some Latino activists threatened to withhold their support for him. He had tense relations with Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, but when anti-Israel protesters interrupted a Biden fundraiser over the Gaza conflict, Obama reprimanded them: “Here’s the thing, you can’t just talk and not listen.” And the hall broke into applause.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I’m writing in response to the letter from “Brokenhearted Grandma,” whose husband grew angry and controlling over time. Reading about what has happened in her family brought back memories of what happened in my own family. After 20 years of marriage, my husband also became angry, self-centered, self-destructive and uncaring about the consequences of his hurtful and neglectful words and actions. He would tell lies to everyone, including our friends, our counselor and his doctors.