
Everyday Cheapskate

Simple Tips to Ensure Your Safety in Any Emergency In today’s unpredictable world, being prepared for emergencies is not just smart but essential. No matter where you live or what you do, disaster can strike at any moment, and being equipped with the right knowledge and resources can be a lifesaver.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I was abused by my dad as a child, and my relationship with my mother was hell growing up. She was verbally and physically abusive toward me well into my 20s. She began a new relationship and things got worse. The situation between us got a little better when she became sick and I had to take care of her. My siblings didn’t pitch in, even though she treated them better than she did me.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My own experience tells me that your advice to Starving Wife may have overlooked another possibility. I lived for years with what Starving Wife is experiencing.