Samantha Smith receives Nevona Kegans Scholarship

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Samantha Smith receives Nevona Kegans Scholarship

Wed, 02/15/2023 - 06:06
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Northern Oklahoma College Athletic Training student Samantha Smith was named the Nevona Kegans Scholarship recipient for the 2023-24 Academic Year.

Smith is a HPER Athletic Training major from Medford, Oklahoma.

The Nevona Kegans scholarship is presented to an athletic training student attending NOC Tonkawa. Kegan was instrumental in establishing the athletic training program at NOC. Smith is the 5th recipient of this award and receives a $500.00 scholarship.

Presenting the scholarship were Nevona Kegans Bossert, NOC Athletic Trainer Summer McClure, NOC President Dr. Clark Harris, Vice President for Development and Community Relations Sheri Snyder, and NOC Athletic Director Alan Foster.

Joining Smith for the presentation were her mother Elisha Schofield and father, Jonathan Smith.