Write On

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Write On

Sat, 03/04/2023 - 13:16
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First Steps

You could hear as well as any child but your ears still made your head spin. Your feet moved and you struggled to stand But you kept trying.

Even when the doctors took you, crying and nearly naked to the cold, white room and ‘fixed’ you we sat by your side and held your tiny hands.

You cried out as you woke A look of distrust to us both As if we had betrayed you and even your still forming mind knew we were the cause of your pain But when we got you home, wrapped in your very first blanket holding your beloved sea horse, You Stood. You Walked. Confident and as if you were an old pro, coming out of retirement.

Within days, you were running. Carrying sticks and chasing the dog. For all our fears and grief, over such a small and common matter, I realized that with these steps, You were walking, running The path to growing up And the days of needing my help Were fleeting.